'From Squeak3.6 of ''6 October 2003'' [latest update: #5429] on 25 October 2004 at 11:23:19 pm'!
ProgressMorph subclass: #MemoryUsage
instanceVariableNames: 'prevUsage '
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Hungry-FN'!
!MemoryUsage commentStamp: 'fn 10/25/2004 23:22' prior: 0!
A Morph to display the current VM memory used.
Do "MemoryUsage new openInWorld" or "MemoryUsage example".
author: Faried Nawaz <st@pain.hungry.com>
with a memory display patch from Jeff Sparkes <JSparkes@databeacon.com> (10/22/2004).
!MemoryUsage methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'fn 10/25/2004 23:19'!
^ labelMorph _ StringMorph
contents: ''
font: (self fontOfPointSize: 12)! !
!MemoryUsage methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'fn 10/25/2004 23:19'!
^ subLabelMorph _ StringMorph
contents: ''
font: (self fontOfPointSize: 8)! !
!MemoryUsage methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'fn 8/6/2003 17:27'!
super initialize. self label: 'Memory Usage'! !
!MemoryUsage methodsFor: 'step' stamp: 'fn 10/25/2004 23:17'!
| total used usedNow |
total _ Smalltalk vmParameterAt: 3.
used _ Smalltalk vmParameterAt: 2.
usedNow _ used / total roundTo: 0.01.
usedNow := used / total roundTo: 0.01.
prevUsage = usedNow
ifFalse: [super step.
prevUsage := usedNow.
self done: prevUsage.
self subLabel: ((used / (1024 * 1024)) asFloat roundTo: 0.1) asString , 'M/' , ((total / (1024 * 1024)) asFloat roundTo: 0.1) asString , 'M = ' , ((used / total roundTo: 0.001)
* 100) asString , '%']
! !
!MemoryUsage methodsFor: 'step' stamp: 'fn 8/6/2003 18:05'!
"Update every 5 seconds to avoid hogging the system."
^ 5000! !
"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!
MemoryUsage class
instanceVariableNames: ''!
!MemoryUsage class methodsFor: 'example' stamp: 'fn 8/6/2003 16:53'!
"MemoryUsage example"
| mem |
mem _ MemoryUsage label: 'Memory Usage'.
mem openInWorld.
^ self.
! !